Submitted by Nataliya Guskova on Thu, 08/04/2016 - 14:20
Official club name: The Friendship Force of Moscow
Closest major airport(s): Sheremetyevo II, located about 30 km. from Moscow. The transportation between the airport and our city by bus. Hosts meet their guests in the center of Moscow in the Friendship House.
Cost of transportation between the airport and our city: it depends on number of people in the group. For a group of 20 people and more the price will be about 10 $ per person.
The maximum number of Ambassadors our club can host: 30
About the club: The Friendship Force of Moscow was founded in June 1991- it is the first club in Russia. We have approximately 250 members including families and single people. Their age is from 20 to 79 years old.
Submitted by Marianna Galoyan on Thu, 08/04/2016 - 13:01
Official club name: The Friendship Force of Korolev
Closest major airport: Sheremetyevo (SVO)
Cost of transportation between the airport and our city (based on 20 people): $35 per person. The price may vary depending on the number of people in the group.
Maximum number of Ambassadors our club can host: 25
About the club: The Friendship Force of Korolev was founded in 1996. The club includes approximately 40 members, aged from 23 to 60 years old. We have two incoming exchanges and one or two outbound exchanges each year. The most preferable time for hosting is the second half of May and early June or the first half of September, which is due to the weather conditions.
Для справки: 1 марта 1977 года в Белом Доме на собрании губернаторов штатов 35-й президент США Джимми Картер (Jimmy Carter) и миссионер-священнослужитель Смит Уэйн (Rev. Smith Wayne) объявили о создании международной организации (сети клубов) Сила Дружбы (Friendship Force International). 25 лет подряд первая леди Розалин Картер (Rosalynn Carter) была ее Почетным председателем (Honorary Chairperson) до самого 2002г.
Friendship Force International was unveiled on March 1, 1977, by President Jimmy Carter and Presbyterian minister Smith Wayne at a White House gathering of state governors. First Lady Rosalynn Carter served as Honorary Chairperson until 2002.
Submitted by Nataliya Guskova on Tue, 04/11/2017 - 23:13
Dr. Georgy Grechko, a renowned cosmonaut and the Honorary Chairman of Moscow Friendship Force Club from the very beginning, passed away April 8, 2017.
Наталья Гуськова, президент Московского клуба Сила Дружбы: Ушел из жизни Георгий Михайлович Гречко. Светлый яркий, жизнелюбивый человек.Ему было 85 лет. 11 апреля 2017 года в Большом зале Троекуровского кладбища состоялась гражданская панихида и отпевание. Церемония захоронения прошла на Аллее космонавтов. Множество людей собралось, чтобы отдать последнюю дань и почести великому человеку, который стоял у истоках освоения космоса. Уходят титаны. Люди иного калибра. Горжусь, что знала этого человека. Прощайте, Георгий Михайлович.
Mr. IVANOVICH Grujica of Friends-Partners Space (FPSPACE) organisation: Another space hero gone. Grechko passed away in the morning on Saturday, the 8th of April, in the Veresayev’s Hospital in Moscow. He was born in May 1931, so his age was actually 86. You may remember approx. a year ago, soon after the death of Gybaryev, Grechko was hospitalised due to problem with his heart. When asked how explains to be so lucky (he survived the siege of Leningrad during the II WW, during parachute training broken his leg, had a fire in space station, worked in open space through the open hatch of docking mechanism, had number of adventures in polar and mountain regions) Grechko said it is because he was protected by two angels. Namely, when he was born, his two grandmothers (from father Ukrainian’s and mother Belarus’ side) separately and secretly (without knowing between each other) had baptised Grechko in two different churches. Grechko said that “according tradition when you a baptised you’ve got an angel-protector who takes care of you during your entire life. As I’ve been baptised twice, two angels are my protectors”. With Grechko’s death, there are no surviving cosmonauts in the crews of Voskhod, Soyuz-11, -12, -14, -15 and -17 and Soyuz T-3. From Vostok programme, Bykovskiy (83) and Teryeshkova (80) are alive, as from the first cosmonaut group (20 people), in addition to Bykovskiy, Leonov, Volynov and Gorbatko.
Official club name: The Friendship Force of St. Petersburg
Date Founded:1/26/1995 Members: 8
Closest major airport: Pulkovo 1 (domestic flights) Pulkovo 2 (International flights)
Cost of transportation between the airport and our city (based on 20 people): by bus: $ 5 (20 km) by taxi: $50 by private car, if Hosts meet the Ambassadors at the airport: no charge
The maximum number of Ambassadors our club can host: 75 people. That means 3 or 4 inbound and 2 outbound exchanges per year
About the club: Our club was formed in 1991 and has been active since then. Our membership is 76.The Club is formed of doctors, lawyers, teachers and engineers. In the last years we have attracted many students from different colleges and Universities of St.Petersburg, They are very good hosts. The average age of our members is 40 years old. All of them are kind, warm, hospitable and friendly. Unfortunately, the retired people can't participate in our activities because they have a very low pension. This circumstance influences the specific reception which we have in our Club - when the hosts are working or studying during the working day, the ambassadors have a very intensive itinerary and are accompanied by the licensed guide. They feel themselves as tourists of five stars hotel. In the afternoon, the hosts come to pick up their *children* and arrange an individual program for them.
Official club name: The Friendship Force of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Closest major airport(s): Sheremetyevo II International Airport in Moscow
Closest RegionalAirport: Nizhny Novgorod International ( A port )
Cost of transportation between the airport (railway station) and our city: (by bus) depends on the number of the Ambassadors ; ( by private cars ) no cost if hosts meet the Ambassadors.
Submitted by Nataliya Guskova on Mon, 08/15/2011 - 20:13
Dear members of the Moscow Friendship Force Club! Once again, we cordially congratulate you on your Club’s anniversary! We were happy to meet you all in person, as well as members of the other clubs, who came to celebrate this event with you. Thank you for your hard work and for this well-planned celebration! We greatly enjoyed the lively entertainment and the creativity of your members. And our special thanks to Natalia Guskova, the President of the Moscow Club! Her energy, hard work and optimism are admirable. We appreciate her help in the creation of the new clubs in Russia and her invaluable assistance to the less experienced ones. We wish your Club further success in the honorable course of strengthening friendship among the peoples of the world! With best wishes and in friendship, George Brown, President, Friendship Force International and Elena McCarty,Program Services Coordinator, Friendship Force International